2016 m. gegužės 7 d., šeštadienis

Sitting together is good, sitting together is bad

Days like today I came up to the bugs which I can't reproduce and my colleague can't work because of this issue. We have one difference - I am sitting in same room with developer and he is sitting in other side of world. Does this situation makes me better or worse tester?
According ISTQB book independent tester or testing team provides better results (I think there was even a diagram of independence), because they aren't affected by developer or other same environment factors. I'm trying to think it through, and I see few pluses and minuses in this situation, regardless if I am independent or same environment player.
Pluses of sitting near developer would be that You get knowledge from first hands, and You can setup environments more "correctly" and easily, came to issue with more knowing about its roots than just from bug description. But pluses really soon becomes minuses. If You have developers knowledge about issue so in a way You see issue like developer who was fixing it. And like everybody he(or she, it doesn't matter, just for this situation leave it as he, next time maybe it will be she, I work with males and females developers) is protecting his work and can't truly see an issues clearly. And this confidence and don't believing affects me and I start to get careless. Loose my focus and can't work as that person who is miles away and is the closest to client point of view. Other minus I can think is eating lunch, joking or just chatting with same people, with whom You will need to work later and check their work, can make You irrational to decisions about founded issue.
To sit far away from developer, literally or theoretically, gives advantages of independent thinking. You aren't affected by developers sweet words, minds or his knowledge. You do what You must – testing. Project description mostly is available, bugs have reproduce steps. Seems everything can be fine and doing Your work goes to best result. But here comes disadvantages – lack of first hand knowledge, understanding, which sometimes goes to 1+1=3 is true and without knowing that You are working with things You don't know. This can lead to reopening same bug again and again until someone will provide information, or mentality differences will not make You see an issue, or maybe without small chat with developer You wouldn't be able to think test case which leads to issue. Or even more – sometimes testing projects that doesn't have much info, so without developer help – several bugs are founded and fixes, system kinda works, but without internal company or team knowledge,  final product isn't what is needed to be or it is, but lack of knowledge not all major issues was founded.
Now You are thinking – "this is what he is writing can be fixed with couple documents and calls". OK, yes it can, but knowing people helps, talking and knowing more than it is written helps too. But overall everything depends on Your (I am talking about myself mostly, so "my") attitude and view to work. Any body can be independent(now coming to theoretical part) or You are sitting in same room or miles away. But more knowledge You have about shit and fruits You are fertilizing, better they will grow.
Yes, independent tester or team is great, but situation not always allows that, independent must be mentality and view. So sitting close or sitting far can be just mental state, and by sitting in same room You can provide similar or greater results. 

Your friendly neighborhood Tester. 

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