2016 m. balandžio 28 d., ketvirtadienis

Nothing relaited with testing

Was writing post on my way to EuroStar Software testing conference, didn't finished it on my way there, and now I am going home, and full of ideas and new knowledge. So skipping that post, to write this one, and that one will be not forgotten, will finish it later.
Some topics was just add extra info to already existing knowledge or refreshed memories. Other ones was unexpected good ones. Conference was in Poland, so some topics was in Polish, so stayed in one presentation because it was in English, and left it quite amazed(hope to write something about it later). "Never judge book by its cover" it is suitable to this situation. Overall conference was great. Would love to come back.
I understood one thing, there were more things that I got better view of, but this one is clear and hope it going to stuck in my head for some time. People who gives speeches in these conferences are same people like everybody, they have their struggles, stories, good and bad examples from experience, and experience. After having a chat with them I got little bit inspired to present some topic about testing myself, sometime in the future, when my experience will be relevant.
Other good thing was to stay little bit after presentations ended and chat with people. Almost all attenders left in 20-30 minutes after event. But not me, I stayed little bit longer. I had very good opportunity to listen and talk with four presenters in neutral environment with a drink in hand. Got interesting options on testing and overall things that is happening around in this area.
So, how correctly end this post without sounding dumb – didn't expected that conference will be that good, it not perfect, but if I will have possibility to go to other conferences I will try to do that. And I should apply at least several thing I learned there. Hope that didn't sounded dumb, at least not in my head today.

Your friendly neighborhood Tester

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