2016 m. spalio 27 d., ketvirtadienis

If I would need new colleague

   If I would be QA team manager, and I would need to find some people to my team, what would I do? Yes, of course, I would need to go through CV and have interviews. CV part is not very interesting, but interview - that is totally other thing.

   Testing tester about what he (she, it or any other thing, I'm trying not to be sexist, but it is hard to use abstract word) knows and understands about testing. That is not just simple task with several question about Agile and how to register bug, it can be fun and challenging for interviewer and interviewee (had to Google these names). Over my experience had some of them. Some were interesting others were boring, and after couple minutes I knew I will not work here, but still spend my time for knowledge and experience. Without knowing which interview is bad, You can't know which was good, or how good.

   While thinking about previews interviews, I starting to remember some questions I got there which in my opinion I would use in my interviews. And got some I would not use, "why?" You ask, because they are stupid, sexist or impropriety for interviews. Good example would be "where You see yourself in five years?" well here if you pay me enough.

   But back to good ones. If QA does not have imagination, that person (this time sounds OK, but how often I can use person?) will not be the best for this role. Sometimes any person is better than nothing, but I am not talking about it now. For imagination:
We have medicine scale and eight coins. One of them are fake, lither then other seven. How least number of weighting we need to have to find fake coin?

   And if You thing about three, remember this is not about knowledge of math, imagination.

   Person needs to understand situations. It is not easy to understand that you fucked up, but who understands, it is really useful person.

    When incorrectly used word can postpone release? For example in Microsoft office packet?
Didn't expect that, didn't You? Now think, and yes everybody can guess about brand name, but think little bit deeper, I'm talking about user experience, not grammar Nazis.

   Then You have imagination and You are smart enough to know then time to stop. It is time for shit to get real. Understand testing is the biggest part of testers life. So:
A simple gaming system has been specified as a set of use cases. It has been tested by the supplier and is assessed as low risk and there is pressure to release the software into the market as soon as possible. Which test techniques would be most appropriate for this testing?

   This could make You feel that You seen this somewhere, and it is, I used it from external sources, thanks for that!

   And I would finish my interview with open question:
Which testing approach You prefer? And why?
For example me - I love exploratory testing, because searching for an issue or a bug just to find it is the reason I do this work.

   Expected to finish this couple weeks ago, but life is life, nana na nana.

Your friendly neighborhood Tester.

Doesn't feel as decent post, but to lazy to rewrite, so let it be as it is.

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