2016 m. lapkričio 17 d., ketvirtadienis

Everything changed then fire nation attacked. Wrong universe... but still everything will change after this post

   Before main post - to the person who didn't add history saving to blogger - Thanks for blogger, but fck You for not adding history saving.

   OK, now back to topic.

   My whole life was a lie. Trying to be dramatic, but really I sow video about QA job which made me rethink all my work I'm doing, all of that is just a waist of time. And again "Drama queen". Of course my work isn't worthless, I just need to work differently. Well not just me, whole team.

   Idea behind my dramatic begging is that I sow process which can change how I and whole team is working. First thing is that team don't need so much tester. Or don't even need tester as position at all. Everything can be done by developers. Developing, reviewing, testing. Whole process. And "what I going to do in that process?" You are asking. Short answer is - watch this video.

   Done? Not yet? Watch it.

   So, life looks little bit different now, huh? Mine too. Next step, reaching goals. Will see how it will unroll. For now that's all. And again, add history saving to blogger!!!

Yours friendly neighborhood Tester

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