2017 m. kovo 1 d., trečiadienis

Long time no see

   Long time no see. I can't even remember what last post was about. And still don't know what this post will be. I'm in some kind of crisis at the moment, and this is going like this for couple month now. Can't write something meaningful, can't even think of something to write about.

   I really enjoy testers job, but maybe something need to change to go back to previews shape. Now can't even think of new issues, or I'm skipping something what I observe, but because this is not a part of story I'm working on. Feel like I am lying to myself, maybe I need vocations, maybe new job. Don't know, but something needs to change.

   Before I was "That's a bug, this a bug, bugs everywhere", but now I don't care. Blindly working on stories and that's all. It is sad and depressing, and I am already in bad shape.

   Couple days ago was "Alpha" release on project I'm working. It was really successful. Got a lot of feedback, stuff to improve, fix. And now after several weeks of hard teamwork, huge amount of testing, I don't know what to do now. Grinding my ass to chair, thinking of stuff to do. But I can't think of something. So last resort was to come back to this blog, and write something. At least something. Maybe it will kick me and I will came back to decent schedule.

   Now it would be good to plan next topics I would like to write about. Promises on internet need to be kept. Maybe little bit more depths on regressions, "agile', and product demos. Yes, that will be topics for next blog posts. So even if no one is reading, please stay tuned, new thing will come, someday.

Your friendly neighborhood Tester

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