2016 m. gruodžio 16 d., penktadienis

Life changing steps, but not really

   Working in environment where everything more or less is in good process, documented and planned correctly. It makes hard to think about new topics for blog. The best working environment I have ever been, but it doesn't scratch that parts of brain which generates ideas and sarcasm about work, things to improve, or horrible things I sow working with people. This is not perfect, but not horrible enough to write something about. And writing about writing is not my thing. Enough of weeping about how bad is work in good work, first world problem... 

   Back to testing.

   Remember last post video - which changed Your life? No? Well I still remember it. Talking about it - how it changed my life it is not enough, I should use that thing. Not just should, actually first steps where done. Imagine situation - about 30min whole development team  watched video, and now everyone is sitting in conference room and had to give feedback, pros and cons. And You start to imagine that 'shit just got real', but actually no. Meeting was productive and not as bad as I expected. But still long way to go to have decent results.

   First steps were done, now real things needs to be started. And about that I will post later.

   Kinda short post, and after long time. Winter and another stuff affected my normal schedule, but maybe I will be back to normal soon.

Yours friendly neighborhood Tester

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