2016 m. kovo 25 d., penktadienis

Everything need to be registered

Doing my everyday work I often came to the days when I can't find any bug or defect. Sometimes it is frustrating to do job without any success. But other days, mostly then starting new project, with joy I am registering new issues. And often i doesn't matter if it is actual bug or my misunderstood of what I am dealing with. But from my point of view is better to register everything and sleep peacefully at nights.
Yea- sometimes this bugs registration brings some confusion for developer or product manager, but it is easier to close it, then pay for man-hours for managing it. But in this method I see some pluses - first of all - a lot of bugs registered on your name. Deeper understanding of product - even closed bugs will have info why it is not actual bug or at least how to prevent it. To save your self from angry management, support or any body else how maybe affected of missed thing which was known about.
I'm trying to do job as good as I can. Register all the issues, defects and other stuff which looks important to me. But I am just a ordinary person - who makes mistakes, and a lot of them. 
I miss bugs very often, and sometimes very obvious ones. Very good example is from company I worked before. Situation seems very simple - on opening new account, fee is payed from money which are adding to account. Situation goes out of hand then accounts is opened in foreign currency. Because fee is in local currency, amount of fee need to be calculated with exchange rates from database. To check if amount is greater then fee, data is send to database, calculations done there and final amount and calculated fee is returned. From final amount fee is subtract and account with double fee taken is opened. I hope it was easily to fallow and understand how much shitload came to me - then every teller needed to write explanations for every account they open in foreign currency.
Every case should be registered, but not today. Today was boring day, and nothing new or interested happened. I hoping everybody has days like it. After they pass days with a lot of bugs will come, and day will be not boring.

Yours friendly neighborhood Tester.

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