2016 m. kovo 30 d., trečiadienis

View of the bug(test version 1.0)

Finding a bug is success not for everybody around me. Coworkers from different departments have different view to the bug of the system.
When I found issue, bug or defect - it's a good day for me. And more I found, better I feel that day.
And there are guys from fulfillment - for them bugs are problem why they can't send hardware for client, or something not that critical but still an issue. Other times just problem we discuss about, sometimes we find solution, or I just register their problems as defects or enhancements. But overall it is not such a big deal and can be managed easily.
But horror begins then issue is found by support, or to be more exact - by customer. Then ten same issues are registered, clients are angry, support are angry and exhausted. And I understand them, to deal with issues were everything is on your back and often fix doesn't come in week or two or even month. Like an issue exist at the moment for certain clients - in iPad footer appears red line with warning and it can be closed or turned off and under it hides buttons and it is really annoying while working with it. If app is killed it helps for several hours but after that red line appears again. And complains for this bug are coming and coming.
And with stuff like this and sometimes even worst, guys need to deal every day, and they aren't happy as I am then bug is founded.

After I read what crap I have written, I understood that this post need to be rewritten, because i just scratched surface of just couple of types of coworkers and how I see - how they see bugs. But I will not rewrite this post, i will expand it in couple posts with more details. Or even create series about "How other people see bugs", of course from my perspective. 

Your friendly neighborhood Tester

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