2016 m. rugpjūčio 26 d., penktadienis

Human vs. Machine (man would sounded better, but sexism...)

   Last week I caught virus. I spend 4 days in bed. It made me thinking - human body and mind is such a vulnerable things. It can catch a virus, bones can be broken, can be tricked by magician, can be used by social engineer, and more things which can affect body or mind negatively or positively. I don't even need to go to addictions section.

   How much we are different from shitty software? If your source code is bad, it affects your vulnerability to outside attacks and internal crashes and bugs. Or makes You some kind special, for example like me, having rare blood antigen. Maybe core stuff at the moment can't be changed from what You got, but a lot of stuff can be hacked, overwrite and used.

   Crazy thing is social engineering. If You don't know what it is check "Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking" book. Using Your best personal character sides, like friendliness, urge to help, unreasonable truthful, it will use You, will take all needed info, and left You proud of Yourself of being a good person and hacked shit out of You. That's the reason why I use quote "Everybody lies" in my life.

   One day I would like to use my testing skills in social engineering, but I think I am to good person, and lying while looking directly into persons eyes would be extremely difficult task for me. And I lack of other skills required for this job. But maybe one day. Someday.

   With the people is hard, understanding systems is quite easy task. If shitty database is used - why not to look for a problem there? If software is developed by easily distracted person - issue will definitely will be somewhere there. If project lack of documentation, well You can guess, if tester would not find bug, customer will. If You think that hardware seems little bit odd, why not to try performance tests, it would be fun to melt core or two.

   Why not to use software testing knowledge on people? Well no, I wouldn't do that, at least not know. Maybe later, who knows? Not You, I guess.

Your friendly neighborhood Tester.

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