2016 m. rugpjūčio 4 d., ketvirtadienis

I don't know, but I'll do it

   Working with systems with a lot of stuff, sometimes puts You in a corner, where You don't know what to do, or how it works or why You even working with it. But any way, while You are in the corner and You need to deal with stuff, there are one way - do it. Or be fired, I don't know.

   But to do stuff, not always the best way to do it. If You don't know a thing and start doing stuff, well it can get very nasty. Situation is very simple - I took bug from not tested bugs list, don't know how to test it, and not much info in bug description. For me everything seemed simple - 15 min of testing and bug is verified. Seem YAY, all done. I have good name in team, so everybody believes me, and bug goes to production. And then nasty things starts to happen - corner cases, which happens often, not tested, they are not fixed, and whole thing starts to going down the hill like avalanche. And that is just one bug. Imagine if system architect designs new feature without knowing that he(or she, or it, if this done by some AI, it is hard to guess where we will be in near future) doing.

   It is hard to imagine, I know, but in this case everything from beginning to the end can be just falling from the cliff - You can struggle in the air, but then it reaches customer - it just hits so hard that explodes into rocks, splashing parts and good name all around place.

   Enough of negativity - doing stuff which You don't know, makes You think, understand new things, find corner cases which were not checked before. And of course how I will not use example... So I never worked before with (now imagination kicks in), hmm, I don't, hmm, I can't find good example, so I will use - fiscal printer (if don't know what it is, check it, what a piece of sh... technology). Had to spend some time reading about fiscal laws, taxes and even more horrible stuff. So now I know that printer through and through. In implementation was some ups and downs, but now it works. And I know things.

   Without downs, there are not ups, so not knowing, does not means that You wouldn't do it right, or left (I hate then right is right, but now about turn, and lead is leading, but not metal), just some time need to be spent.

   Your friendly neighborhood Tester

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