2016 m. balandžio 7 d., ketvirtadienis

Cutting corner over parking lot

Sitting in the bus, it's traffic jam. And now I'm looking throw the window in shop parking lot. Parking lot is between two roads, to reach one road from another you need to drive at least two kilometers in various ways and roads. So drivers is using it as short cut. Parking lot is with barrier you need to pay for leaving car longer than 1hour. So if you drive thru it in a minute or less, barrier will opens and you just saved 10-15 min of your life and used system design flaw.
This situation got me thinking - does planner thought about possibilities how to break the system, this case cutting corner over parking lot. I can bet for 100 euros that tester wasn't involved in planning. Actually in my previous job and current one testers aren't involved in planning of projects. So often we(I mean I or my tester colleagues) need to deal with projects that already have design issue, flawless logic or other crap, with which we need to deal, and it can't be changed easily or at all.
Books about testing writes - as soon as tester is involved in developing project, issues are found and can be fixed sooner and cheaper. This sounds great - issues are founded faster, cost less to fix, project developed with better quality, because tester is closest thing to client and could see a problem which client will or may have.
Actual situation is - testing need to be done by company policy, so it is left until project is fully developed or to have little bit more time for fixing - tester is involved while project is still in developing process. If company or team policy doesn't involve testing as a must thing to do, it is skipped and consequences hits hard.
I would like to be involved in project development as soon as I could be useful, but I am not that lucky. At least I am not working with other team which are fixing issue directly in production. That would be thought thing to deal with, maybe in the future about this.
And I'm still thinking - does architects use testers in planing and building thinks, or this is just new area where I could find place to test my skills.

Your friendly neighborhood Tester

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