2016 m. balandžio 12 d., antradienis

Sanity is needed everywhere

I was reading about different test approaches and come up to keyword 'Sanity testing', it is similar thing as 'Smoke testing' but it sounds little bit fancier. And talking about fancy things in testing should be my daily basis. 
If we go deeper sanity and smoke testing - it splits in different approach. First is about to test if system, website, server, app, nuclear plant, jet engine or any other thing is turning on, or doing or has other things it should do to start working with it. For example if we are testing pencil - sanity testing would be if it has graphite hart and wood body. If not – sanity test fails. Everything else like – is it sharp, writing, has or not eraser would be smoke tests. View can be different, but overall it comes fairly close to this.
Why I started with 'Sanity testing' - this type of testing comes really close to real word situations. All test types are close to real world situations, but this one has even a good name. 
For example interview for new job - in the beginning there are one or two meetings before You can talk to real people You will work with. Often first one is phone call - to check if that person is real, and second is with human resources person, to check if You are sane enough to talk with people which can actually test you. And this raise a question for me, how much people who works human resources was attacked or even worst happened in jobs interviews? Going to check that later.
Sanity testing I try to use every day before going to real work. Very good example is to check is server is running and last update was successful. If any of this doesn't passes my overview - I get up and go to make extra cup of coffee and read some news until everything is back to normal. I'm check is situation is sane enough for work. Often it is, but if it is not then work can't be started. This applies in almost all situation, if You walk in burger restaurant and see that chef is coughing better to leave now (food testing is a real thing, and if you testing it, better test good one, not with saliva in it), if You try to start jet engine and spark isn't working - so performance tests can't be applied to it. Sanity testing can be used in a lot real life situations, and I hope it is.
This testing helps with new projects or features - sometimes if enough just to look at basic stuff and see that everybody is insane and it is better to leave now, and not to sink with the ship. Otherwise just register bug that stuff isn't working (error is raised, crash appears or etc.) and get back to reading articles or view cat videos.

Your friendly neighborhood Tester

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